Netflix Just Unveiled the New One Piece Series' Script for the Live-Action Adaptation

Netflix just released a photo of Hollywoods' Live-Action adaptation of One Piece's first script. The script reveals the new Logo for the One Piece Adaptation and also confirms the new title for the first episode, 'Romance Dawn.'
No matter how hard or how impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal. ☠️ どんなに困難で不可能なコトでも、信念を見失うな。#OnePiece #ONEPIECE100 #WeAreONE
— ONE PIECE(ワンピース) Netflix (@onepiecenetflix) September 3, 2021
Many One Piece fans would recall this as the title of the first episode of the One Piece Anime and the first chapter of One Piece Manga. This title also served as the name of Oda's One-shot, an early version of the current ongoing manga. Aside from Nostalgia, this title shows that the new One Piece adaptation will follow the original One Piece plot and not make any artistic changes. Matt Owens is the writer of the new script. He has worked with the executive producer, Steven Maeda, to make the first episode's script as accurate and consistent as possible. And to add, according to a May 19, 2020 interview, it was revealed that 10 of these scripts have been written. The executive producer of the Cowboy Bebop Live-Action Adaptation, Marty Adelstein, also went further on to elaborate details about the One Piece Live-Action in the interview.
"We have basically all 10 scripts written. We will start casting when we go back. My suspicion is June 1, but we will start doing our casting. We have a lot of names that we're talking about, and we should be in production in September. We have been working very closely with Sensei Oda. So, we're going to get started, and this one is very big. I mean, Snowpiercer was a big production; this is even bigger." SYFY
Of course, the June 1 casting did not happen because of Covid, and the adaptation was heavily delayed. But now, a year later, we now know that this project is even bigger than we expected.
In April 2020, Redditors shared images of a life-sized Going Merry, Stationed at Cape Town Studios in South Africa. Considering the scale of the Live-Action adaptation, it will be interesting to see the final product on Netflix in a few months.